Blog Jan 30 2011 3:24 AM
Honestly, the end of my day could not have gotten any better...
I send my sincere apologies for not blogging as frequently, but I’ve had little time to spare and when I did, I didn’t feel being on the computer was the most productive use of my time. (I might have finished a marvelous book I’d highly recommend to ANYONE: Eat, Pray, Love- so inspiring, so entertaining and heart-warming, and I could go on…)
I send my sincere apologies for not blogging as frequently, but I’ve had little time to spare and when I did, I didn’t feel being on the computer was the most productive use of my time. (I might have finished a marvelous book I’d highly recommend to ANYONE: Eat, Pray, Love- so inspiring, so entertaining and heart-warming, and I could go on…)
Now that I think of it, I guess this week really was an Eat Pray Love week. As (bear with me, for this is a taboo term now since it’s been changed to “responsable de maison”) I was house manager this week, I made some really fantastically delicious food with my housemate Olivia. Oh and Mom: your fajita pie is absolutely fantastic- even my replica, which wasn’t as good was worthy this title: “The best food I have ever eaten” – François. No need for me to travel to Italy for good food I guess.
I also made the bread. Honestly, not to boast, but it’s actually the best bread I’ve ever eaten. Partly because it’s so satisfying to know that I baked that bread. Also, I got such positive feedback from all my housemates. Plus, it was actually so much better than store bought. And dirt cheap! I highly recommend everyone try baking bread as often as possible.
I will post some recipes soon enough, so bear with me on that!
Today, we were invited to a round table dance to celebrate the life of a life lost in the community. I feel embarrassed to say that I honestly cannot remember the man’s name, but I’m sure his spirit was there with us, dancing and laughing. When it came time to pray for his family, all I could think of was love. I hope his family can experience more love during and after their time of mourning.
“This is how you bring a community together,” I said to my project leader.
There was not a single person in that room that did not smile. I did not know this man, but I felt his energy.
The round dance we were so incredibly fortunate to witness is basically a drum circle with chanting and people create a train around the drum circle, keeping step to the beat and circling their arms. Then, there is a part where a man (I’m assuming his brother) walks around with what looks like a tiny frying pan with burning tobacco and herbs. They believe the smoke brings the spirits to them. I wish I could share more about the meaning, but I have yet to learn this much.
My oh my, I must say though, these people can really sing. Many travelled far distances, one from BC, another Saskatchewan and one more from Ontario to come sing for this round dance, so it truly was a big deal and I’m glad we didn’t miss it! I haven’t even mentioned Karaoke on Tuesday night… flawless.
Their chants remain in my head at this very moment. My urge to want to sing along still lingers as well.
As if being in that gymnasium wasn’t enough, the family was also offering food: bannock, sandwiches, crackers and jus served. Oh but it gets better… Many of my housemates left around 12:30 so they could get to bed, but the hardcore ones (myself and Yvonne) that stayed left with several items received as gifts. It is a tradition for them to give out gifts to members of the community, and it was a massive pile of incredible gifts! I for one, was eyening the paintings. They were paintings with one goose perfectly painted with a plain and simple sunset/sunrise background. And I got it.
“If you want something, the universe will turn around to give it to you” our PL, Chris said.
Well, I did. And I feel so grateful. I love this. I love these people. I absolutely love this community.
And tomorrow, there’s a Pow Wow. Cultural Discovery much?
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