First of all, I wanted to apologize for my last blog entry- it was full of confusing run-on sentences, so I'll try to make sure I edit things before publishing them (I usually do but apparently not that time :S)
Chris told us that, as his project leader told him when he was in his last month at his placement "sleep in Saskatoon!" (Or in our case, Steinbach) Meaning, we should take advantage of Chisasibi while we can. So we've been busy, especially since it's Community Spirit Month! As will be the next 3 weeks.
Friday we had a French lesson with a teacher from the school. We were super impressed his lesson. The anglophones felt less overwhelmed because he showed them where their level of French is (with verb flashcards) Since then, I think their confidences have improved and in our French activity, they seemed to understand more of what we were saying.
We also got to volunteer at the sno-cross here in Chisasibi! Sno-cross is racing on ski doos (in a nutshell) and we collected admission for them. It was a good experience because, the guy who was organizing the whole event actually wasn't there so few instructions were given to us before we did our thing (since his friend was trying to figure things out himself.) We made the best of it though. A big orange sign in our Katimavik van was the best we could do, really. We were happy to take shifts though, especially because of the cold! The second group also met a man named Jody who's super cool- he came to visit us later, where he told us some stories. We really love to hear because that's such an important thing in their culture, and we don't hear enough of them! Plus, all his serious stories ALWAYS end with something funny and his very characteristic laugh. Plus, this guy's done everything so he's really interesting. "Any career, you name it, I've done it."
Today, we finally walked down by the river. It was during our free time so there were only four of us and it felt a little more spontaneous which was nice. We ended up going to the restaurant for the first time and when we were there, a man walked up to us and asked us for our help to prepare food for the snow-racers. We didn't know him, but he somehow knew we were from Katimavik and that we'd help so we were glad to! After we got out of the restaurant that is... the power went out and we were held up in there for a bit since we were waiting to pay.
We had our French meal and a French activity today too. It was super fun because the energy was so high and sharing stories for 2 Verites 1 Mensonge (two truths and a lie) was super fun, full of laughter and speaking in French was great too.
One of the little one that were racing! She's so cute! |
They usually got some pretty good air at the Sno Cross- I was surprised not to see any crashes. |
A little off topic, but this is a picture I took on my walk home from the gym a few nights ago. |
Like I said, SO MUCH AIR! This was before it all even started, he was about ten feet above me! |
It's not the greatest photo with the shading, but I love the natural feel of this one. This was on our walk by the river. Willie here was hanging out with a few of the dogs that followed us :) There were four or five! |
They're so friendly and SO cute! While I was walking on my own one day, I realized that I was never really alone here. I'm sure they'd even protect me from any big bad wolves that might want to eat me too! They just seem like really happy dogs! |
A lot of people here have Ti-pies to practice some of their religious rituals. We've never been in one, but they are everywhere! (I'm working on it though!) |
This is the top of the Tee-pee |
Willie and the dogs :P Just in front of our house! Aren't they the sweetest? They licked her face and everything! Hahaha ohh the love! |
Spaz! We call him spaz because every time he walks towards us, he's shaking his tail so much that he's zigzagging. Love this little guy, so much! That's me petting him too :P (and sorry, it won't let me turn the image :S) |
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