It's 6:00 on a Friday afternoon, I have so much work to catch up on and I have nothing planned for Monday.
But it's been a really good day.
I love my kids. They're so sweet. Today I had a moment where I was mildly frustrated because I was waiting for the kids to come out of the bathroom and the ones that were waiting were getting a little ansy to go outside (and so was I!) I guess I had a sour look on my face and one kid said to me "can you laugh?" Of course, I laughed and said "of course. Thanks." Another kid, a quiet one, was showing me his Michael Jackson move, which we later practiced outside. We went out for an early recess and played Octopuss and singing the old earthkeepers song I learned when I was their age and again later when I taught Earthkeepers and again when I was at camp.
Here are the lyrics:
"My back aches, My belt's too tight, my hips shake from left to right, say Ooh! Engawa! Stacey's class has got the power! Bang! Bang! Choo Choo train, wind me up and I'll do my thing, no Reeses pieces, no buttercups, Stacey's class gonna kick some butts!"
I like it, so they like it, and it gets them excited. They should know that they're kids and they're allowed to get excited once in a while. I might not be the best at organizing things, but I think they feel comfortable in the classroom, which makes a difference to me. I'm not a teacher, but I really do think I bring something important to the classroom.
I care about them, of course. And I actually really like them. Honestly, there's a lot I like about each individual student and that makes me really happy, even when they tire me. It's never the kids that frustrate or upset me. I can't let that happen, because they're kids, and they deserve my best, so I'm doing what I can.
Living life in peace. Releasing fear, letting go and holding on. All I wish for is to find harmony, happiness and to share the light I find. This blog is about my personal experiences seeing life as it is, in all it's glory and misery. This blog is a record of my personal development that I love to share with all who want to read. It is about my life journey embracing what mother earth and the beings she created have to offer wherever I find I am. FRI LUFTS LIV! (Free Open Air Life)
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