Well, it's been a while since I've posted and a lot has happened!
As you may already know, I don't blog about everything I do. that'd be A) boring and time consuming for you and B) time consuming for me, and I don't spend that much time on my own to tell the truth!
I keep telling myself that I need to spend more time on my own- but I've realized that my time here is limited and I want to build relationships with others as much as I can while I'm here.
Needless to say, I'm pretty busy.
Some people say it's 'boring' here. I'd say it's anything but. Then again, I do have the tendency to very rarely be "bored."
"It's a choice," I remember saying to a man when I was hitchiking. There's always something to do.
So in case you're wondering what I'm typically up to, well, to give you an idea, I'll tell you my schedule.
Monday (9-4 or longer) school subbing after school- green club (has yet to begin!) then 615-815 Henna Tatoos and Moroccan Tea/music with french speakers!
Tuesday (9-4 or longer) school subbing then Dancercise at 6-7
Wednesday (9-4 or longer) school subbing then I teach a cooking class 5-7 (or longer...)
Thursday (9-4 or longer) school subbing Photography club until 530.
Friday (9-4 or longer) school subbing -- usually something comes up- a party, chaperoning for a high school student council something, dance-whatever!
Saturday -- something always pops up - recently, filming and editing for a 'dogumentary' at the Wapikoni mobile- which is a mobile trailer that sets up in aboriginal community, but lost HALF of it's funding this year :( Luckily, they were able to come to Chisasibi while I was up here and I did a bit of work with a friend up here :) You'll get to see it soon! I've also spent time with various people doing this or that.
Sunday- this is my 'bum' day but it hasn't been the past few weeks!
I wake up in the morning, usually do some house stuff-laundry, cleaning, vacuuming. Then, well, it varies. But at 4:00 I have a creative writing group with a few teachers from the school. We always laugh so much and we have a lot of fun talking about this, that and everything!
Now, I'm subbing in a secondary 2 English class for a while! I'm glad because I think I can do a good job, and I like the students. I have a lot planned for them! :) 2 weeks already planned! I just have some work to go with it! Overheads and whatnot, but the thinking is done. (so no stress ;)) except that this week I'm moving again, to someone's place where I'll be looking after their kids for a couple days :)
I haven't blogged in a while, not just because I didn't have time, but because for a while, I was feeling a little depressed and just didn't feel like it.
There was a time I was feeling unsure about moving in with my boyfriend, I was feeling disconnected from my parents, and I felt I was making little progress in what I was attempting to accomplish in this community.
Last week, though, I started working out and I'm trying to take better care of myself. Since the sun rises at like 9:00 (or so) and sets at 4:15 now, I didn't see the sun for about 3 days straight. Well no wonder I was feeling down!
I needed some vitamin D!
I'll make a point to get outside at break though, or something. Maybe I'll go out with elementary kids haha. And I'm working out now- I got a good deal on my membership because Trevor (the handsome man that manages the gym) is awesome.
Not just that, but every so often, it starts to get weighing when you realize how much some of these kids deal with, and they just take every blow with no problem. They're tough. Really tough. Yet you have some at the other end of the spectrum that are really just spoiled! Christmas here, for example, I've heard (even when I was here with Katimavik) is insane for some families (I've heard of people getting ski-doos, computers, and all kinds of pricey goodies) But again, there's people from both spectrums. There's parents that can't afford to buy their kids new boots or jackets, many that come to school hungry because their parents were too drunk that morning and many of them really look after themselves. The latter parts were harder for me to really see when I was here before. I mean, I knew about it, but I didn't really see it for myself.
I told mom that sometimes I have a really hard time with some of these things and she said "well I read your blog and it doesn't seem like you're having a hard time at all."
Well, let's remember that I'm 19 and I'm teaching. I'm a caring person, and I like to be involved in what I do. When youhave those qualities, it can be a very demanding job. On top of that, it's ESL, and in a remote community. (Mind you, I'm starting to think this comunity isn't remote at all compared to other communities.) I'm also far away from my family, and loved ones, and some friends (even though I've made many anew.) So let's just say, that's a lot of responsibility for anyone, especially someone my age, and considering a lot of the social issues here, I'm doing okay.
I was also having some difficulty no knowing where I'd be working every day. Going to the office in the morning and saying "okay, what do you have for me." It was okay some days, but others, I found difficult to motivate myself to even get up in the morning. (I did, of course, but reluctantly.)
This weekend, I got to enjoy some good ol' fashioned outside snow time yesterday with some little kids and big kids too! We made a snow castle, then had a snowfight! I had my bare hands, of course, since I gave my gloves to another kid haha. But there were some intense moments, some dog piles, snow bombs from above and a whole lot of laughter. Oowah! :) I even got to try some traditional Ptarmigan (much better this time) fried, not boiled and hunted by a 75-year-old man. (75 and still hunting-can you believe it? Yeah!)
I also enjoyed a traditional Maroccan meal and a traditional Cree meal (moosemeat!) I've been spoiled with awesomeness!
So I'm back up to my normal upbeat happiness now, and I need to get to bed if I'm going to stay that way!
Living life in peace. Releasing fear, letting go and holding on. All I wish for is to find harmony, happiness and to share the light I find. This blog is about my personal experiences seeing life as it is, in all it's glory and misery. This blog is a record of my personal development that I love to share with all who want to read. It is about my life journey embracing what mother earth and the beings she created have to offer wherever I find I am. FRI LUFTS LIV! (Free Open Air Life)
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