Saturday, December 25, 2010

See, I told you: Giving is Good for your Health!

Okay, just warning anyone that may be reading this blog... if you thought it was only about Katimavik, you kinda thought wrong. This is just everything I want my friends and family to see!  That's just a warning though. This is related...

Do any of you remember when I wrote that article in the Mercury about Guelph's volunteering and how much I feel even just one event has done for me? Well, I found this article and got really excited about it...

It's called 5 Ways giving is Good for your health
1. It may help you live longer
2. It makes you happier (lower rate of depression)
3. It may protect you from heart disease (I think this has to do with stress)
4. Can help protect you from addiction
5.It makes you feel great.

But the best thing about giving and volunteering is that I think it really gives you a sense of purpose and makes you feel like you have an important place in a community.  You can meet lots of new people, feel tremendous and get all these health benefits apparently.  Oh and it didn't even mention that it can really get you more active, which is obviously superb for your health!  I have to admit, though, these results are not likely only results of volunteering (so I think the studies' conclusions may be somewhat false) it's just that people who volunteer are likely more responsible, and might be more likely to eat healthier and be more active.

Defintely a worthy read nonetheless if you want more details! :)

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