Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special Mentions to My close friends :)

My “main crew” of friends are all in this pic and I just wanted to express how much I love and will miss them!
I went through a lot when I was younger with people I thought I could trust and they turned their backs on me, but these friends are true friends.  They’re friends that will, through thick and thin, no matter what, ALWAYS be there for me. Around them, I never feel forgotten, unheard or judged in the slightest, and they really are the stellar-est people so they deserve some recognition for their amazingness because I love them so much!
More of my friends that deserve recognition for really being there when I needed them most are:
Jen Bueckert: We always engage in the deepest conversations about life, and even with our many differences, we just sort of understand eachother.
Hala: as dumb as it sounds, you always laugh at my dumb jokes and it makes me feel like a million bucks. You always make me feel so great about myself, and you know that candy gram was super sweet of you! It really made my day! And, you might not have known it, but sometimes talking to you felt like the only good thing in my day.  It felt like the only time I was acknowledged in a positive manner, or at all.
Samira:I don’t know what I would’ve done without you at camp.  I certainly would have felt really lonely, but you made me feel like I belonged and I really appreciated it. And Samimi- you’re such a good listener, and you make me augh when I’m sad- it’s great! :))
Joseph: I’m so glad we’re still friends man!  If it weren’t for your awesomeness, we certainly would’ve lost touch!  But every time I see you, you always make me feel so great for doing “everything” and being the daughter your parents “never had” haha I love your parents. I Love your family. MAN!  I friggin love you bud!
Robbie: I’m not going to lie, I never thought you’d make my close friends list. Srsly. I just thought you were too full of yourself, but then, some sort of force brought us together and now you’re pretty much my bro for life and I’m psyched. Oh and, we must have enough in common, because hanging out with you and your close friends, I actually feel like I fit in, which is rare for me in groups!  And I really enjoyed your parties! :D
Stacey Mighton: I dont know how we’ve stayed in touch, Stacey, but you, my kindred spirit are bound to be a part of mine for life. I always miss you, but your letters, messages and everything mean a lot to me. I’ve kept every single one in a box actually :)  and friendship bracelets on my bristol board (Im afraid that if I wore them Id lose them! :( )  But being friends with you makes me feel really worthy of someone’s time- and since we’ve kept in touch for so long, I can’t see us ever not considering each other friends!
Shawn: You know, we’re only really friends because of photography… and Mitch.  At first anyway… But then, especially recently, I also think we’ve shared a lot of laughs and learning together.  And again, you’re a great listener and you give valid advice without judging.
Amanda: You are one of few that actually remembered my birthday last year, and when you came to my door with a gift, I was so happy that you thought of me, even if we don’t get to see each other often.  And, I know I’ve told you before, but you really are a beautiful person inside and out!  The fact that you don’t believe it just makes you more beautiful in many ways because you’re so humble. But one day, you’ll see that beauty, you’ll shine brighter and you’ll always maintain your humility ;)
Eric: We lost touch for a little while, but there was a time when I’ve never felt better about myself because of you. I was worthy of your time, and you appreciated mine too.  And that was so important to me because I’ve always had so much respect for you.  And I remember that day we shared stories at Tim Horton’s for Oh I dont even know how many hours… somehow I come up with the most clever jokes with you. I feel more confident and funnier, because you listen.
Anastasia, Kari, Chanelle, Leslie: It was a short time, but in those first few weeks of school, our hangouts in the hallway were so fun, and they made school worthwhile to go. Annie, you made my math classes brighter too and Kari I wish I’d spent more time getting to know you because you’re just a genuinely sweet girl!  
So this post is just for all my friends that have helped me through things even when I’m not quite rational. 
And, of course, to tell you all that I love and appreciate you!
Love Stacey :)