Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Please Just Smile for me

A few things to write about today.  More reflections than on actual events today.

I'm starting to see why people love music so much.
At the MPRC, for some, music is all they really have.  Carol, the beautiful Carol, for example, listens to music all the time.  And Carol does not say "I like this."  No, when she likes it, she has a huge smile on her face and she rocks back and fourth in her chair.  Nothing else makes her that happy.  Unless, of course, I push her around the whole place, circling around someone and purposely bumping into things. I can't do that all day though...
So instead, I play.

I haven't gotten her dancing with my music yet, but I just might when I can play and sing a good, upbeat song like, say... Willing Would I Be by Nabi Loney.  One of my personal favourites- it always brings me back home.  It's not the type of song one might typically start with (I'm going to try some Bob Dylan)  but it makes me happy.

That is, after all, what I find most satisfying.

When Brad, David, Chris and Mike bring out the guitar, I can the whole mood of the room shift.
Music gives our beings a whole new dimension.
And I want a part in that.  So I'm learning.  And I've never felt so motivated because I can see what a difference music makes in Carol's life, and in the lives of so many.

So I asked Nabi if she could send me the chords for the song Willing Would I Be.  And she made me a personal instructional video.  HOW COOL IS THAT? Why does anyone ever listen to mainstream music, I ask myself.
She's one of those people that just light up a room.  I don't know her well, I only know her from when I've seen her perform and at school (probably in gr. 9 or 10).  I remember when she made a running club at school and I saw her running up and down the hallways.  She was never afraid to be different- that's what made her so inspirational to so many.  And her poetry is so moving, and her music- I have no words for it.  I just love it.  I went to the FROSTY concerts just to see her play.
and if you want to read her amplefantastnesstickalicious blog, you should visit this website: http://butterflyprophet.blogspot.com/2010/10/lahv.html

Doesn't the name just say enough? And her description: "I plan to die fully satisfied with my life."
nuff said.

I dub Nabi most inspirational artist in Stacey magazine.

And I had another thought... and lost it.
Typical Stacey.

Oh well, next subject...
So I've been writing a lot more.  Drawing more.  I feel so much more creative lately.  I feel like a true individual. I feel closer to being at ease.  The reason why: because I'm not stressed.  I'm not over-exerted. And I'm making time to do what I enjoy. I'm making time to listen to others, but also to listen to myself and read and write.
I'll post some of my recent more abstract drawings- the ideas are just flowing better, and they all look like something simple and regular with an odd twist.  I've developed a bit of my own style actually.  It started in high school, with a few odd eyeball drawings. When I don't know what to draw, I draw them.  Otherwise I draw random organic shapes and go from there.  Usually, I end up drawing flowers with leaves and swirls, and those are usually the ones I like the most.  I think it's telling me something:  they must be close to my heart, somehow.  The trees, and the leaves.  The organic, irregular shapes and swirls from here to there.  A bit of disarray, a few lines here and there that somehow look like an organized mess.  Maybe that's just who I am.  And I realize how much these tiny scraps of paper mean to me. So I keep them on my wall with pictures of my family, friends and my dreams.

I wrote a letter to Stacey, who's been my friend for 13 years now, despite having moved to Ohio when we were 7 years old. (It was May and I believe she had just turned 7 before leaving.)  Just seeing her writing and feeling the "Stacey Mighton" embossed letterhead is just so pleasing to me.  Me gusta... Most people would've let go by now, but some sort of peaceful force keeps us together, though far away.  And whatever that majestic force is- some call it God but personally, I'm not so sure. Well, whatever it is- magical moments and deep connections make me believe in it, I thank it. And somehow, some way or another, I thank it every day for something and everything at the same time.

Pardon me if I write a little about my personal beliefs, as they are not fact, but merely thoughts well above my physical being.  But my temporal lobe seems to be working a little more lately one what my reality really is.

My drawings- notice the eye!
Oh hey, I didn't write about this, but I'm voting! And I'm excited about it!

I'm putting it in...
Oh wait, I have to model it first- it's my voting VIRGINITY!  

This is my satisfied face. Er, well, uh, Luke, please stop taking pictures  but I'm still laughing face.

More of my drawings with my beautiful sister's face in the corner.  The focus on the one above was on the  style of eyes I like to draw. That's not my favourite though.

Didn't write about this either- UKRAINIAN EGGS! :)  I did this one!
BOOASIF. No, that's Jacklyn's...

So are these.

Briana did this one... dvj,nvksjhvksh So PRETTY!  

Mine is the blue one.  It was supposed to be lighter and I should have made prettier petals but my typical swirls are on it haha.

I hope Michael doesn't mind me posting- but he put a lot of detail in his egg and he was just so concentrated!
Despite dropping it twice (and me laughing) his turned out beautifully.

My name in Cree :)  a few things from Chisasibi and my beautiful calendar.

This is my wall! :)
Notice: bottom is my list of dreams... I should really post this one! and a To Do List.  and in the centre: a small piece of paper from a child in Chisasibi: "I love. You. Stacey."

I need to get to bed some day, but I'm just reminding myself to write a little about what my thoughts are on comfort.
And what discomfort can do for us.
As well as my list of dreams! (That I keep updating)

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