Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Discomfort is healthy.

Last night, we had our Mid Rotation Reflection with our PLC Adim and we realized that one thing our group needs to work on as a whole is Open-Mindedness.  As a what he called "Teddy Bear type of personality", I don't think this is on the top of my list of things to improve since I usually blame myself for everything, but it was a really good discussion.

I finally expressed something to the group that I think is really important though.

The fact that feeling discomfort is a really healthy thing.

People will sit you down in their home and say "make yourself comfortable."  We always want to feel safe on our nice little comfortable bubble, but if we're so comfortable all the time, we're not going to learn anything new.
Sometimes, putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is the best way to learn something new about yourself.  in fact, when you feel uncomfortable and you make yourself more comfortable in the end, you learn to better adapt to new situations in general.  Sure you'll feel insecure for a little while, but you'll fear less and know more.

That is also being open-minded and opening up to new experiences.  That, my friends, is what Katimavik is all about: discomfort.

It's a beautiful thing.

Oh yes and good news!  I'll be billeting for two weeks at the Northern Sun Coop farm! (I'm living there.  And I'm the only Katimavictim in my group to get that opportunity!)  So I'll be living with Dawn and Mitch, and I might be rooming with someone who's coming to the farm with the WWOOF program!  (Which is the one I might just participate in!)
Oh yeah, and Troy Bridgeman from the Mercury has been trying to contact me for a week now (which is apparently really hard to do since we haven't been home much)  because I was selected as one of the Top 40 Under 40.
I guess I'm just following Hollie's footsteps eh?  (She was recognized for Top 20 Under 20!)

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