Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another day...

Well, today wasn't easy, but it felt much better.

Sleep helps, of course.

So do comments like "don't be too hard on yourself"  from another teacher and nice comments on Facebook from Mom, support from Sam on the phone and even a good roomate that brought back a few things from her weekend!

It felt like a Friday at the end of the day.  Maybe because I left earlier than I have been leaving, but it can't have been too bad, because Fridays are always good.

Two students (in grade 5, I might add) skipped my class in the afternoon.  They're friends, but one claims he wasn't with the other.  I saw one standing on the other side of the school at recess and told him to go outside with the other kids.  He wouldn't listen and I sent him to the office.  " I don't want to go to class," he said.  After school, his mother came to me and asked me why the school didn't call her.  "I found out from other students," she said. And she wasn't too pleased.

Another student came to class upset because his bike was stolen.

I felt bad about being so firm with the student that later said he was mad before understanding why, but I'm glad I talked to him and his mother after school because I understood better after. 
His mom wanted to switch him to the other class for a few reasons, but he wants to stay.  "I like having you in my class," I said.  I told his mom how well he was doing in class as well.

It all sucked a little, but honestly, I felt like I did all that I could.  So it wasn't so bad.
And again, it felt like Friday, so I guess it wasn't so bad after all.

"And it's only Tuesday..." another teacher said.  But I feel alright.

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