Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The end of one thing, beginning of another

Well, my time with the Grade five English has come to an end for now.
I miss them to tell the truth.  I still really care for them.  And they miss me too, it seems. 

Jenny, the new teacher had a hard time yesterday, but I know it'll get better.  She just has to believe in herself, and learn a lot quickly so she and the children can adapt. 

Sorry I haven't uploaded pictures.  I keep forgetting to bring my memory card to school.  And when I do remember, I often forget to upload the pictures... Well, the class has been my priority.  Otherwise, I'm moving again this week and we'll see how it goes trying to get my own place now that I don't have a permanent job...
And I think this is going to be really challenging for me.
This week I was supposed to sub in a French class for four days.  Then I was told the vice principal wanted a francophone in there even though I knew the kids already, and I knew how the class worked thanks to Jean-François giving me notice.  So suddenly I had no job for the rest of the week... I wanted to take a break this morning though.  I'd like to get some writing in too.  And not feel guilty because I'm not doing this or that for the class. But I still need a job. And I shouldn't let them push me around like that.  I really don't appreciate this treatment.

I'm disappointed because it's hard to know who I can trust at times- in fact I feel like I really need to have thicker skin here and be more careful about what I tell people.  It's really not a cushy feeling at all.
But I love the community still, I love the kids, and I can feel myself growing spiritually.

In fact, I went to visit Jack and Elizabeth at their place on Monday.  They did a card reading for me and gave me some spiritual guidance.  I think I'm more grounded than I think sometimes, but other times, I don't even realize when I feel so crummy.
This weekend was my moon time to be a little off though. Every other month I get that way for a few days.  Then it takes me a little time to get back on track.  So here I am, trying to get back on track. 

I did some origami with Michelle though.  I think it did something for me creatively because I woke up in the morning and immediately had a story in mind.  I started writing it and it was completed pretty quickly.  Now I just have to type it up, fix a few little things and think about possibly publishing.

Next Friday, I'm subbing for Michelle's class too.  Secondary 4 and 5.  And we're going to do some creative workshops.  I'm psyched- really psyched.  Maybe it'll make me consider being a high school teacher, since I remember really liking English class in high school and I had such a positive experience with my teachers.

I have a lot to write about, but it seems to not want to come out on a computer screen for now, so I'll have to write a little later!

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