Monday, October 24, 2011

One thing a day...

So today is the first day where I've ever actually said I was "bored."
This doesn't happen often for me, no matter where I go.  I only subbed for one period and even then, it wasn't super demanding.

I really enjoyed teaching secondary English, and even though some might not have liked how I did things, I think I presented a little something else they might not have seen previously.  I think some appreciated it, some, not so much, but that's okay- I did what I could, gave what I had to offer, and I think most of them recognized that.
And once again, it feels weird to not have to plan.  In fact, as much as I thought I wouldn't like the planning, I actually don't mind it now.  I can be spontaneous, and I can plan now!
Today, I was in a secondary class to sub- sec 2 (so like grade 8 in Ontario) and the teacher asked them to write about a moment that changed their lives.  The one that came to my mind, that I used as an example was the time I went to the memorial dance.  Some of you might remember, when I got that nisk (goose) painting in a gold frame and Chris said to me "if you really want something, it will come to me."  If he'd said that any other time, I would've said whatever... but there I stood with proof in my hands.  I never asked for this, but somehow fate, or spirits, or whatever it was- brought it to me. 

I told the students about this, and later read a short story from the Chicken soup book that was on the teacher's desk.  It happened to suit the assignment perfectly actually- it was about a kid who had to take care of their mother and how that changed their lives.  Whoo! For making the best of it!  I also helped a student with what he wrote (he actually did it, which is more than I can say for most classes) It was nice, because I learned more about him, and I actually really appreciated hearing it. 

So I guess this is just evidence that you learn something everyday! Even the days that seem boring!h

1 comment:

  1. Hey hi howdy Stace!

    I just wanted to let you know that I love this blog, I love what you're making of your life, and I love you. You inspire me!

    All the best from Munich,
