Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special Mentions to My close friends :)

My “main crew” of friends are all in this pic and I just wanted to express how much I love and will miss them!
I went through a lot when I was younger with people I thought I could trust and they turned their backs on me, but these friends are true friends.  They’re friends that will, through thick and thin, no matter what, ALWAYS be there for me. Around them, I never feel forgotten, unheard or judged in the slightest, and they really are the stellar-est people so they deserve some recognition for their amazingness because I love them so much!
More of my friends that deserve recognition for really being there when I needed them most are:
Jen Bueckert: We always engage in the deepest conversations about life, and even with our many differences, we just sort of understand eachother.
Hala: as dumb as it sounds, you always laugh at my dumb jokes and it makes me feel like a million bucks. You always make me feel so great about myself, and you know that candy gram was super sweet of you! It really made my day! And, you might not have known it, but sometimes talking to you felt like the only good thing in my day.  It felt like the only time I was acknowledged in a positive manner, or at all.
Samira:I don’t know what I would’ve done without you at camp.  I certainly would have felt really lonely, but you made me feel like I belonged and I really appreciated it. And Samimi- you’re such a good listener, and you make me augh when I’m sad- it’s great! :))
Joseph: I’m so glad we’re still friends man!  If it weren’t for your awesomeness, we certainly would’ve lost touch!  But every time I see you, you always make me feel so great for doing “everything” and being the daughter your parents “never had” haha I love your parents. I Love your family. MAN!  I friggin love you bud!
Robbie: I’m not going to lie, I never thought you’d make my close friends list. Srsly. I just thought you were too full of yourself, but then, some sort of force brought us together and now you’re pretty much my bro for life and I’m psyched. Oh and, we must have enough in common, because hanging out with you and your close friends, I actually feel like I fit in, which is rare for me in groups!  And I really enjoyed your parties! :D
Stacey Mighton: I dont know how we’ve stayed in touch, Stacey, but you, my kindred spirit are bound to be a part of mine for life. I always miss you, but your letters, messages and everything mean a lot to me. I’ve kept every single one in a box actually :)  and friendship bracelets on my bristol board (Im afraid that if I wore them Id lose them! :( )  But being friends with you makes me feel really worthy of someone’s time- and since we’ve kept in touch for so long, I can’t see us ever not considering each other friends!
Shawn: You know, we’re only really friends because of photography… and Mitch.  At first anyway… But then, especially recently, I also think we’ve shared a lot of laughs and learning together.  And again, you’re a great listener and you give valid advice without judging.
Amanda: You are one of few that actually remembered my birthday last year, and when you came to my door with a gift, I was so happy that you thought of me, even if we don’t get to see each other often.  And, I know I’ve told you before, but you really are a beautiful person inside and out!  The fact that you don’t believe it just makes you more beautiful in many ways because you’re so humble. But one day, you’ll see that beauty, you’ll shine brighter and you’ll always maintain your humility ;)
Eric: We lost touch for a little while, but there was a time when I’ve never felt better about myself because of you. I was worthy of your time, and you appreciated mine too.  And that was so important to me because I’ve always had so much respect for you.  And I remember that day we shared stories at Tim Horton’s for Oh I dont even know how many hours… somehow I come up with the most clever jokes with you. I feel more confident and funnier, because you listen.
Anastasia, Kari, Chanelle, Leslie: It was a short time, but in those first few weeks of school, our hangouts in the hallway were so fun, and they made school worthwhile to go. Annie, you made my math classes brighter too and Kari I wish I’d spent more time getting to know you because you’re just a genuinely sweet girl!  
So this post is just for all my friends that have helped me through things even when I’m not quite rational. 
And, of course, to tell you all that I love and appreciate you!
Love Stacey :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shopping List...

Well I have a computer now...
THAT'S A RELIEF but it looks like Money won't be staying the ol' bank account for long... 
This is my shopping List!
Shopping List Price Est

Mouse $5
Battery  $20
Computer Case  $15
Tripod $30

Snowpants $30
Parka $100
Long Johns $15
Boots $70
Sleeping Bag $50
Wool  socks $20

Budget: $355

If you happen to know where I should buy any of these things cheaply let me know!
The battery I plan to buy online, but im iffy about buying too much that way since it could take a while...

Monday, December 27, 2010

More Generosity Goodness :)

Alright so pardon me if this blog ever gets a little boring or onerous to read. So yes, maybe the current theme is giving- It's the holidays...

But I must let the world know that I can blog pretty much from ANYWHERE!
Since my amazing sister is so AMAZING and I really really owe her a big one.  She actually gave me her laptop since it had a virus on it (I guess she didnt want to deal with it)  if I fix it.  Borrow I could understand, but to have? 
She's amazinger than amazing (this is SUCH a relief)

On top of that, our family friend, Shane was gracious enough to reboot it and bring it to my own door. (I was actually going to get something for his family BEFORE he did this for me! 

OH and on top of that, I was thinking about Bill Green, who, last year, gave me $250 towards my camera making it possible for me to take up the hobby I'm passionate about. 

So this post is a thanks to everyone for being so darn generous!  So, soon enough it'll be my chance to give. Maybe not things or my money, but TIME. and I'm going to feel great about it.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


So, I've been blogging everyday for the past couple days.
It's new okay? And it's Christmas and I'm leaving home for half a year, so I have a lot going through my mind that I want to express.

But today? Too tired. Nothing.
I was thinking of blogging about nothing actually. Now I feel too lazy...

I like this pointless post.  Some readers might laugh. Most will skip at the sight of nothingness I'm thinking...
But who cares. I'm sure life is FULL of nothingness.  If it weren't for the nothingness, the somethingness wouldn't seem nearly as somethingfull.

So there's a blog about nothing!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

See, I told you: Giving is Good for your Health!

Okay, just warning anyone that may be reading this blog... if you thought it was only about Katimavik, you kinda thought wrong. This is just everything I want my friends and family to see!  That's just a warning though. This is related...

Do any of you remember when I wrote that article in the Mercury about Guelph's volunteering and how much I feel even just one event has done for me? Well, I found this article and got really excited about it...

It's called 5 Ways giving is Good for your health
1. It may help you live longer
2. It makes you happier (lower rate of depression)
3. It may protect you from heart disease (I think this has to do with stress)
4. Can help protect you from addiction
5.It makes you feel great.

But the best thing about giving and volunteering is that I think it really gives you a sense of purpose and makes you feel like you have an important place in a community.  You can meet lots of new people, feel tremendous and get all these health benefits apparently.  Oh and it didn't even mention that it can really get you more active, which is obviously superb for your health!  I have to admit, though, these results are not likely only results of volunteering (so I think the studies' conclusions may be somewhat false) it's just that people who volunteer are likely more responsible, and might be more likely to eat healthier and be more active.

Defintely a worthy read nonetheless if you want more details! :)

Friday, December 24, 2010


Hey All! if you've seen my blog and have anything at all to say, please COMMENT! :)

good bad ugly. :D
and if you have an questions/concerns whatnot then COMMENT.

If you have anything to say about life, love and these posts, COMMENT.

Oh yes, and I kind of need some subscribers!

Thanks :)


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Katima-prep, Life Prep ect.

So... I'm a little frightened about Katimavik, life and things in general.

I haven't applied for university, partly because I got a credit card yesterday and that's how I'm paying for it, but also because university is like, "the next step" and I don't feel ready for it to be honest. I don't even feel ready for my two simple high school exams on Monday (which I'm taking early so my teachers didn't help me a lot with them...)  

I'm shaking in my boots, I keep saying. The boots I don't yet own.  Or the parka I'm going to need and face shield, long johns and sleeping bag- I don't have ANYTHING.

 Oh boy... Life's coming at me fast.  Nonetheless, I can't say I don't love it.

My family, My pride and Joy, the loves of my life.

The ones that are there for me through thick and thin :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oooh nooo! There Goes my blog virginity!

Okay, so hopefully this blog will be better than my stupid Tumblr! (Which I didn't really share.)

I hope to post all my thoughts on life, living, society and controversies, but mostly, my experience in Katimavik!

Should I make a new separate one for that? Tell me what you think!

But today, I thought I'd share a dream I had, since it's Katima-lated.
So I saw my good friend Amanda and visited her in her Katimavik house.  She was leaving, but went to ask if I could go with them (since I would soon be embarking on a similar experience anyway) On the way, I met one of her house mates, who seemed okay at first but then got really creepy.  For some reason he started shaking me, and I couldnt scream.  It continued for a while, and I was laughing merely because I couldn't speak. When he finally stopped, I was dazed and confused, but I still couldn't speak.

Next I knew I was in a white room (I'm assuming a hospital.) People were asking me questions and I couldn't even open my mouth to speak.  It was like he shook me to a point where my vocal chords were shattered and I couldn't communicate my emotions at all.  People looked at me with pity and I got frustrated and tried writing on paper. I think I woke up soon after that.  But I think my fear is losing the ability to communicate.
Which gave me reason to get more proactive about starting my blog!

Katimavik in 14. FOURTEEN, quatorze, diez y tres  DAYS! One Fortnight...

Chisasibi Here I come!