
So what the heck is Katimavik, what does it consist of and what am I doing, you may ask.

This page is dedicated solely, to the purpose of answering these questions!

If there's anything I don't answer and you would really like to participate in this program or know someone that would be so perfect for it, visit the following link:

I'll know more about the program once I've done it, so maybe I'll post some common misconceptions about Katimavik and some things that I wish I'd known at this very moment when I'm anticipating my departure.

As a whole, Katimavik is, well, amazing, and also, an ideal way to get experience in your time between high school and post secondary education.  It'll help you learn more about yourself, discover some skills you may want to pursue further once you finish and make some great connections in parts of the country you may otherwise never visit or understand. 

Which is, precisely, why their slogan often uses the "GET A LIFE" thing.  Really, that's what it does, since it helps students find something they're passionate about, and really feel fufilled in that they're a part of something much bigger than themselves. 

It's not for everyone though.  Not everyone can handle  being in close proximity to 10 students in one house, being away from home and anything they've ever known as farmiliar to them for half a year, 3 months in each placement.  And not everyone will like the rules students must follow, as there is a lot of pressure since they bear the Katimavik logo in everything they do, thus representing the Katimavik program to the community in everything they do.

[more descriptions coming soon...]