Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teaching, Teaching and Learning too!

So, what I think a lot of teachers will run into and often not realize it, is this feeling that you're just teaching rather than teaching AND learning. 

There are a few things I came to the realization of understanding the other day when I wasn't having such a good day. 
If I, in the morning, don't look forward to the day and tell myself it'll be a bad day, well it will be. 
If I tell myself it'll be a good day, more good things will come and when the trying moments come, I'll have the spirit to get through it and deal with it. 
Also, positive reinforcement works ridiculously well. Something as simple as a checkmark, a sticker, even. 
Oh yes, and whatever I'm interested in, the kids will be interested in.  If I'm excited about something, they will be excited about it too!  So I've come to the conclusion that I can do whatever it is that was fun for me. 

So I was working on showing the kids the different body parts.  They came up with a whole bunch and I put them on cue cards and tape last class. This time, I taped them on myself where all the body parts were so that they could see it all and start to recognize the words.  Then they labelled a diagram and I think they enjoyed it! 

Their art project will incorporate body movement which is part of the curriculum, so I was excited when I came up with the ideas. 

I'd love to blog for longer but I have some planning to do this morning!  It's okay though, because I got some rest last night (I successfully napped for the first time since I got up here!) and I'm feeling better than I have all week!
I hope to write more about learning about myself too though!

PEACE and really, thanks so much for reading!

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