Sunday, January 2, 2011


So, the other day, I actually emailed the editor of the local Chisasibi Newspaper called  the Waaskimaashtaau, a Cree word, meaning a very bright light from the sun. 

The website says that they encourage people to submit, so I told him who I was, what I do (writing editorials for the mercury as well as taking photographs being one of my primary hobbies.)  He informed me that his sister has a home in Guelph!  Small world eh?

I was just looking at some pictures of something, I think I googled the northern lights and a picture from Chisasibi appeared. So I found Jimmy Sam, labelled as a "Cree photographer", who lives guess where... it'd be cool to meet him and learn some tricks!  But I might just be dreaming... Gosh, I love photography so much, maybe I should teach photography in a college or something instead of French to little children. I could probably do both actually. We'll see.

So anyway, I wanted to post some of his pictures because they're gorgeous and I really want to take pictures like this!

 This could be by me some day...  If I get really lucky that is...
 I don't know if I could pull this one off...
And Dad, This one's for you!  I heard there's some really great fishing and hunting in Chisasibi. Which is partially what makes it so authentic I'm assuming.

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