Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Day of Katimavik!

So, I was expecting an amazing experience, and, you know, it might actually be better than I was expecting (if that's even possible)  The hardships, now, seem incredibly minimal to the endless benefits of this program.

I was forewarned about the wild dogs here prior to my arrival, so I expected to see maybe a few, but it's crazier than I thought to be honest. They're wild, so they can carry diseases and what-not, so we're warned not to get too close with them.  Unfortunately, they're more social than I thought.

We walked about one block (maybe two?) and we saw three of them!  One was a little more rambunctious, one a little timid and the other might still be on our porch at this very moment. They respect humans, I pet their noses :)  They really are fun to have around, but I can only imagine that they can cause a lot of issues.

I'm in for a fantastic experience, I can guarantee it. I've only heard fantastic things about Chisasibi,  the people, the community and the culture.  It's so beautiful too.  Oh and if you plan on visiting, you can't drive. You just can't...  There are roads in Chisasibi as well, and when our project leader says it's the end of the road, he really means the end of the road, he means, anymore north and there are no more roads.

I can't wait to get to know some of the Cree culture here and meet some people in the community!

I haven't even mentioned my group!  There are 8 of us, since two had their flights delayed, so it was pretty relaxed today. The majority here speak English, but there are a few that speak French, so we try to switch between the two.  Even so far, I've learned a few words I forgot about, or didn't know, like cache-cou is a neckwarmer.  That was a great moment with Francois, since neither of us knew the word in the other language.  Shared learning FTW!

I feel strange being so anti social, pretty much in the middle of a card game haha!
My posts might get a little more Scatterbrained, or at least shortened since there will be so much going on around me all the time. (Just a forewarning, unless I learn to not get distracted which would be a huge plus!)

Oh and I made a goal for myself.  I tend to not speak up for myself when it comes to something that might make me a little uncomfortable (I always say I can deal with it)  but the only reason I don't speak up is because it's so meek of me. I don't even know what I'm afraid of, I guess I don't like putting other people to any trouble just for me.
But yes, my goal is to rid myself of that fear, and when I want something, I needn't be afraid to speak up.  In a group home of 11, I can't see learning that skill becoming an issue- it'll probably  come naturally.

PS, I dont think I'll be able to post pictures :(  unless special circumstances occur since our broadband is limited and it's really slow. (so far 6/8 of us have laptops)

1 comment:

  1. For some reason it says it was published at 2:38, but it's actually 5:39

    I have no idea why blogspot did that.
